Mantis religiosa  (Linnaeus, 1758)
Main synonym = Gryllus religiosus    Linnaeus, 1758
Taxonomical Classification:  Animalia / Arthropoda / Insecta / Mantodea / Mantidae
European Mantis     Debba tax-Xitan Kbira
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Large (up to 70mm) and slender insects, can be brown or green. Excellent predators, using their acute vision to spot prey such as grasshoppers, flies and moths which they catch with their raptorial front legs. Though both males and females are winged, males are much more inclined to fly, as they must fly to females to mate. Considered beneficial in gardens and fields as they devour pest insects, though not exclusively. Legs are laid into a frothy mass which dries into a papery substance - the egg mass is known as an ootheca.

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